Pastorally Speaking

Pastorally Speaking: How's your Head?
Why do we still find it hard to own up to even minor struggles with mental health? Andy Woodward argues that schools urgently need to normalise the subject and promote emotional literacy
Pastorally Speaking: Nobody's Perfect
There's no point in pretending we're perfect parents, says Andy Woodward. If we admit our weaknesses, children are more likely to listen our advice
Pastorally Speaking: Let's Talk about Sex
It's sometimes a difficult subject for parents to broach, admits Andy Woodward, but we must grasp the nettle and talk about sex to our children
Pastorally Speaking: They still love you. Honest
It's hard for parents when their teenagers start seeing them as a bore or an embarrassment. But, says Andy Woodward, its vital that they know we’re still there, still available and still loving them
Pastorally Speaking: But is it REALLY awesome?
All of us can fall into the trap of overpraising children for average achievement, argues Andy Woodward, but in doing so we may be removing their incentive to do better
Pastorally Speaking: Struggle today, strength tomorrow
It's a natural, parental instinct to protect our children, says Andy Woodward, but standing aside and allowing them to experience and learn from life's setbacks is essential to their growth. Read more...
Pastorally Speaking: Kicking the Phone Habit
If you think you're addicted to your phone, how hooked does a teenager feel? Andy Woodward calls for screen time rationing
Pastorally Speaking: Kindness - the Underrated Virtue
Andy Woodward explains why kindness is the school theme for the summer term...
PSHE: our most important subject?
Societal pressures on young people from social media to sex are bringing Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) from the fringes to the heart of the curriculum. Andy Woodward explains how PSHE helps children navigate difficult choices and maintain well-being...
Pastorally Speaking: A Growth Mindset
In his new pastoral blog, Deputy Head of Senior School, Andy Woodward, digs into the rationale behind a Growth Mindset...