Pre-Prep Blog: First-class Post

post office picture

Before the rehearsal schedule for the end-of-term Christmas/Nativity Show takes hold, it is lovely to reflect on the number of activities and events that have already taken place in the Pre-Prep during the second half of this term. The children certainly have enjoyed taking part in all sorts of trips, clubs and classroom projects both on and off our school site. Here are some examples of what the children have been up to (and that is just this week!).

Our new Reception children have settled in amazingly well and enjoyed a wonderful theatre trip to see Father Christmas at the Lyric Theatre, immediately below. The children have been practising stage performance and the skills required (voice projection, articulation and diction) to prepare for their Class Assemblies, below, and seeing the professionals in action at the Lyric was hugely beneficial. Next week they will be taking inspiration from the theatre visit to write their own letters to Father Christmas.  


Pupils in PP1 enjoyed a fun-filled and educational trip to the postal museum. The children were in their element in 'Sorted,' an exciting role play area where they could visit the Post Office, empty mail boxes, sort mail and deliver it to homes. Underground they got to take a ride on the Mail Rail which was used over a decade ago to transport mail across London. They visited a special exhibition where they got to dress up and design their own stamp and participated in an interactive workshop based on the story Jolly Christmas Postman by Allan Ahlberg.


For more photos of PP1's trip to the Postal Museum

PP2s have been working hard in teams of 3/4 in their art lessons to create their own continent pictures and collages. By referring to satellite photos, the children were able to calculate the location of natural features like deserts, mountains and rainforests. They are also learning about the continents and oceans in Geography and reading non-fiction books about each continent in Literacy lessons and in a few weeks time they will be writing and creating their own 'World' booklet. 



For more photos of PP2's continent project

Meanwhile our PP3s have been enjoying cookery club after school (only available to their year group) and gymnastics in their PE lessons, below, where they have been learning to incorporate balancing and rolls into creative and controlled sequences.




It is safe to say that there really is something for everyone at Harrodian Pre-Prep!