Pre-Prep Blog: A Sporting Spirit

Sports winners

Pre-Prep children love their sports lessons and we have been particularly lucky to have such a mild and sunny first half to the autumn term.


PP2 and PP3 have made great use of the swimming pool and numbers are thriving at early morning netball, football and running clubs.

Miss Dillon has been delighted by the children's performances in lessons, which has made choosing our Sports Award winners for this half term, particularly difficult.

Many congratulations to all our winners pictured below. 


The half-termly Sports Assembly also saw a hotly contested shooting competition between PP3N led by Mrs Naudi and Miss Horan and PP3KYL led by Mrs Yarde-Leavett and Mr Hooke.



The winning team remains a secret but I think the Headmaster's face in the photos says it all.


Many thanks to Miss Dillon and her team for a great half-term of sport.
