Pre-Prep Blog: Top of the Tables

James and PP3 girl winners

There has been a lot of news coverage recently regarding the teaching of times tables. From June 2020 there will be a mandatory multiplication tables check for all pupils aged 8 and 9 (for more information read this article on the UK Government website by clicking here).  

The multiplication tables check is designed to help ensure children in primary school know their times tables up to 12 off by heart. As well as being critical for everyday life, knowledge of multiplication tables helps children to solve problems quickly and flexibly, and allows them to tackle more complex mathematics later on in school.​The new on screen check will last no longer than five minutes and is to enable teachers to monitor a child's progress in a consistent and reliable way.

Fortunately in Pre-Prep we are already furiously practising our times tables. Every week our PP3 Pupils have a times tables test to achieve bronze, silver and gold, standards in each times table. When they achieve gold standard in all their times tables they complete a sheet of mixed times tables in two minutes. The sheet challenges even the quickest of mathematicians and the children compete furiously to beat their weekly score. Many congratulations to Polina, our first PP3 pupil, to complete the challenge with no mistakes and who, as a reward, enjoyed a treat at the cafe with the Headmaster.
