Dancing over the Rainbow

Posted on: 29/11/2023


Harrodian's annual dance spectacular featured performances by seven clubs and 92 pupils aged from 8-16.

As the name of the production suggests, each of the clubs who took part in Kaleidoscope Harrodian's annual Dance Show, represented a different colour. 'The title of the show was Kaleidoscope and so the theme was colour ', explains Harrodian's Dance supremo, Alice Jarvis. 'It was the first time that we linked dances to the lyrics. Each dance group took a colour mentioned in the music and wove it into their performance." 

It was the first time that we linked dances to the lyrics. Each dance group took a colour mentioned in the music and wove it into their performance


red performanc

The musical sources chosen by our performers and the seven different clubs performing – one for each year from the 8s to the 12s, our 14s and a Dance Troupe for the Senior dancers – were as diverse as the different coloured costumes on display. 'We try to let them dance to the music that most pupils in the group like and there's a real variety of taste on show,' says Ms Jarvis, who manages all seven clubs. 'From heavy rock like AC/DC's 'Back in Black' - danced to by Iris and Olivia in the 10s - to cutesy 'Colors' by Haschak Sisters performed by Milly and Georgia in the 9s - and well-known classics like Beatle's 'Yellow Submarine' interpreted by the 12s dance club. 

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To view more photos of the Dance Show - taken by Miss Daisy Mackay

The musical sources chosen by our performers and the seven different clubs performing were as diverse as the different coloured costumes on display



The highly anticipated but secret Staff Dance is always a fantastic finale to the show and this year's Barbie Mix performance – danced by Mrs Seaton, Mr Saller, Mr Maybury, Mr Almond, Mr Rodricks, Ms Field, Ms Miller, Mrs Morgan, Ms Magoga, Ms Lomax and Mrs Drummond-Chew – was a huge hit (to watch it, click below). 'It was a long dance this year - they all did incredibly well and the audience made it clear how much they loved it,' says Ms Jarvis who choreographed and rehearsed them all. 

barbie mix

As a dancer and choreographer whose training specialised in Musical Theatre Ms Jarvis knows all about the art of creating captivating dance sequences and her experience showed in the consistently high quality performances of the 92 boys and girls who took part. She is proud of the efforts of all her dancers especially the two loyal members of Senior Dance Troupe - Athina and Zoe (15s) - who have kept on dancing despite the pressure of busy timetables and impending GCSE mocks and examinations.

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As for the future, Ms Jarvis says she is keen to continue building on the success of what is already one of the school's most popular co-curricular activities. 'I am working with the Sport department to incorporate more dance performances into end of term assemblies. So watch out for PP2 making their debut in their sports assembly on the penultimate day of this term. After Christmas, dance rehearsals for the school's production of Grease will be a strong focus, ' she says. 'There are 10 dance numbers in the show, so it is going to be busy! I am hoping that the excitement of an all-singing and all-dancing show will also encourage more pupils to sign up to dance clubs in the New Year.' 


There are 10 dance numbers in next year's production of Grease, so it is going to be busy! I am hoping that the excitement of an all-singing and all-dancing show will also encourage more pupils to sign up to dance clubs in the New Year

Ms Alice Jarvis, Dance