Whizzes on Wheels

Posted on: 12/10/2018

Two levels of cycling proficiency course were organised at School this week and run by Fiona Tisch from CycleWithMe. Pupils in our 9s were invited to sign up for a Level 1* National Standards for Cycle Training, a short course that took place on site during the school day. The 30 children who participated learnt the basics of how to ride a bicycle, from looking behind them to signalling without loss of control.


Pupils in our 10s and 11s were invited to sign up for a Level 2** National Standards for Cycle Training course. This consisted of five training sessions held after school, both on School grounds and on surrounding roads. They covered the fundamentals of safe on-road cycling: awareness, communication and positioning (starting and stopping, passing on side roads and by parked or slow moving vehicles, left and right turns and sometimes small roundabouts) conducted on quite roads near the School. 



















Harrodian actively encourages pupils to find more environmentally friendly and sustainable modes of travel to School. There are plans already in process to organise another pop-up bicycle market after the success of the Peddle My Wheels campaign. Our car-pool scheme is also very popular with pupils and parents alike. 

For more information on either of these initiatives, please click on the links below: