News/What's On

When in Rome...
Our 9s pupils enjoyed a two-night residential trip to Hooke Court where they were transported back in time to Ancient Rome to do as the Romans did
Lost in Legoland
Ninety years after its invention, Lego retains a remarkable power to grip children's attention, as photographs of our 8s lunchtime club show
Dancing over the Rainbow
Harrodian's annual dance show featured performances by seven clubs and 92 pupils, all of them managed by school dance supremo, Ms Alice Jarvis
Gothic Tales of the Unexpected
The 11s' English trip to the other-worldly spaces of Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill House gave them the chance to dress up, photograph and make a
A Masterclass in Drawing
Sixth-form Art students benefited from their annual life-drawing masterclass from working artist John Close in the school theatre last week. Learning
Black History Matters
Black History Month in October is now an important event not only in the education calendar but also at the heart of the cultural mainstream. We
Chemistry Goes Live
Head of Chemistry Mr Cooper and his team organised a day out for Sixth Formers at an A level conference to hear from esteemed scientists
Thank You for the Music
Keen to share our Harrodian love of music with those in the local community, music teacher Ms Baum organised a community concert for local
Poppy Power
Special Remembrance assemblies across the school highlighted the importance of remembering and the symbolism of the poppy
The Big Screen
A group of Film/Media Studies pupils from the 15s to U6th visited Waterloo IMAX to see "Killers of the Flower Moon"