Admissions Process (All Year Groups)

Harrodian is a co-educational independent school that offers a balanced and stimulating education to children of all ages on a single site. Girls and boys attend the Pre-Prep aged 4 to 7, the Prep School aged 8 to 12 , the Senior School aged 13 to 15 and the Sixth Form aged 16 to 18.

The formal entry points to Harrodian are into Reception (4+), Year 4 (8+), Year 7 (11+), Year 9 (13+) and Lower Sixth (16+); please refer to the drop down menu for key dates and admissions process for these entry points in 2025.


There are 40 places available at this entry point. Children are admitted to Reception (4+) in September following their 4th birthday, which is the compulsory school age for children in the UK.

Harrodian accepts registrations from birth, allowing parents or guardians to express their interest in securing a place for their child well in advance of their 4th birthday. There is no fixed deadline for Reception registration.

Registered applicants to be considered for Reception entry in September 2025 will attend a fun stay and play activity session scheduled for Saturday 5th October 2024. Priority is given to siblings where possible but is not guaranteed. Siblings should be registered at least two academic years ahead of entry. 

Visit the school
  • Book a visit to Harrodian (Tours are available to book during Autumn and Spring Terms)

  • For more information about our tours please click here.

Register your child 
  • To register please complete the registration form (link below in purple box) and pay registration fee by the registration deadline.
  • Registrations are accepted from birth.
Invitation to Reception morning
  • Invitations are sent out in March, eighteen months before entry into Reception.
Reception morning 2025 entry - Saturday 5th October 2024 

Reception morning (held in October, one year prior to entry)

  • Registered children are invited to join a Stay and Play activity session. Parents attend a presentation.
Offers made - Wednesday 16th October 2024
  • Reception outcomes published to parents via email.
Deadline for acceptance - Thursday 31st October 2024
  • Acceptance Form and Deposit Payments to be received by this date to secure the place offered. 
Reception Induction Tea Party - Early June 2025
  • This takes place in early June, a few months before joining Reception.
  • Children and parents are invited into school to meet teachers and peers.

Year 4 (8+) Entry - September 2025

Approximately 22 places are available for entry into Year 4 each year.

Places will be offered to successful candidates following completion of Harrodian’s 8+ assessments. The 8+ assessments are scheduled for Monday 6th January 2025. The registration deadline for 2025 entry is Wednesday 30th October 2024.

Visit the school
  • Regular tours each week between September and May.
  • To find out more about our tours, please click here.
Wednesday 30th October 2024
Registration Deadline
  • To register please complete the registration form (see link below).
Early/Mid November 2024
Invitation to assessment
  • Emails are sent to registered parents with a link to a document to be completed by the deadline in the email.
Early December 2024
Reference request
  • A request for references is sent to current schools.
Monday 6th January 2025

Classroom based assessments in literacy and numeracy as well as group and paired activities to determine the sociability of candidates and personality traits.

Wednesday 15th January 2025
Offers made
  • Formal offer letters are mailed to parents
Friday 31st January 2025
Deadline for acceptance
  • Offers must be formally accepted or declined.


Early May 2025
Induction afternoon
  • Children are invited into school to meet teachers and peers

Year 7 (11+) Entry - September 2025

Up to 50 places will be available for entry to Year 7 each year.  Places will be offered to successful candidates following completion of Harrodian’s 11+ assessments (an ISEB test followed by interviews for shortlisted candidates). The 11+ ISEB assessments will be taken in the candidates’ own school with a deadline of Monday 2nd December. For those candidates only, whose school does not run the ISEB, Harrodian will host an ISEB assessment day. The registration deadline for 2025 entry is Wednesday 30th October 2024.


Visit the school
  • For more information about our general tours, please click here. 
  • For bookings for 11+ Open Mornings for 2025 Entry (bookings will open Monday 10th June).
Wednesday 30th October 2024 - Registration Deadline
  • To register please complete the registration form (link below). 
  • Please note you will also need to register your child with the ISEB from June 2024 - View flyer 
Early November 2024
  • Emails are sent to registered parents with a link to a document to be completed by the deadline in the email. 
    Early November 2024  - Reference request
    • A request for references is sent to current schools.
      Monday 2nd December 2024

      All 11+ 2025 candidates must have completed the ISEB Pre-Test.


      11+ Interview dates

      Saturday 18th January & Tuesday 21st January 2025

      11+ Outcome - Friday 7th February 2025
      • Outcomes will be emailed to parents.
      Tuesday 4th March 2025 - 12 noon - deadline for acceptance
      • Offers must be formally accepted or declined.
        Early July 2025 - Induction Day
        • Children are invited to school to meet teachers and peers. 

          13+ 2024 Entry via Year 7 Pre-Test

          There are generally 12-15 places available in Year 9. Admission at 13+ (Year 9) for Year 7 Prep School candidates is via the ISEB Common Pre-Test.

          All registered applicants will sit the ISEB Common Pre-Test at their current Prep School and we have requested that schools administer the tests to pupils no later than Monday 7 November 2022. Interviews will be held on Friday18 November 2022 .

          The ISEB Pre-Test is a respected and widely used online test for children moving from primary or prep schools to secondary schools. It consists of four sections: Maths, English, Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning. No special preparation is required for the test, which is adaptive and designed to identify potential as well as attainment.

          Any offers made via the ISEB Common Pre-Test will no longer be conditional on ISEB 13+ Common Entrance results, but conditional on receipt of a satisfactory reference from the candidates’ Prep School requested in the Autumn Term of Year 8. If you are applying for entry in Year 9 for September 2023 and you are at a Prep School, you can only apply via the 13+ Occasional Place Entry.

          Visit the school
          • Regular virtual tours each week between September and May
          • For more information about our tours, please click here. 
          Friday 30 September 2022
          Registration Deadline
          • To register please complete the registration form (link below).
          Early October 2022
          ISEB Pre-Test Confirmation
          • Emails sent to registered parents with an Exam Entry Form to complete and return to the Admissions Office by the deadline specified on the form.   
          Mid October 2022
          Reference request
          • A request for references is sent to current schools
          Monday 7 November 2022

          Deadline for completion of ISEB Pre-Test

          • All 13+ Year 9 2024 candidates must have completed the ISEB Pre-Test at their current Prep School by this date.
          Friday 18 November 2022
          Friday 25 November 2022
          Offers made
          • Offers for September 2024 are conditional on receiving a satisfactory reference from the candidate's Prep School in the Autumn Term of 2023. 
          Tuesday 6 December 2022
          Deadline for acceptance
          • Offers must be formally accepted or declined.
          Late June/Early July 2024
          Induction Morning
          • Children are invited to school to meet teachers and peers. 

          Year 9 (13+) Occasional Place - September 2025 Entry

          We will have between 5 to 10 places available for entry into Year 9 for September 2025. Assessments for occasional places for Year 9 in September 2025 are scheduled to take place on Saturday 2nd November 2024. The registration deadline is Friday 11th October 2024.


          Visit the school
          • Regular tours each week between September and May
          • For more information about our tours, please click here. 
          Friday 11th October 2024
          Registration Deadline
          • To register please complete the registration form (link below). 


          Early October 2024
          Invitation to occasional place assessments
          • Emails are sent to registered parents with a link to a document to be completed by the deadline in the email. 
          Mid October 2024
          Reference request
          • A request for references is sent to current schools.
          Saturday 2nd November 2024
          13+ Occasional Place assessments


          Friday 22nd November 2024
          Interview date


          Early December 2024
          Offers made
          • Formal offer letters are emailed to parents.
          Friday 10th January 2025
          Deadline for acceptance
          • Offers must be formally accepted or declined.
          Late June/Early July 2025
          Induction Morning

          Children are invited into school to meet teachers and peers. 

          Lower Sixth (16+) Occasional Place - September 2025 Entry

          We will have limited places available for entry into the Lower Sixth for September 2025. Assessments for entry to Lower Sixth in September 2025 are scheduled to take place on Saturday 2nd November 2024. The registration deadline is Friday 11th October 2024.

          Candidates require a Grade 6 or above in at least six GCSEs with a minimum of Grade 6 in English Language and Mathematics to be considered for entry into Harrodian Sixth Form.

          A minimum of Grade 7 and above is required in subjects chosen for A Level Study. When a subject is new at A Level, students will be required to achieve a Grade 7 or above in related subjects reflecting the skills required for these courses.

          Mathematics A Level will require a GCSE Grade 8 or 9, and Further Mathematics a Grade 9.

          Physics A Level can only be studied along with Mathematics A Level.


          Visit the school
          • Tours are available by appointment
          • For more information about our tours, please click here. 
          Tuesday 1st October 2024
          Sixth Form Open Evening
          • Please email to reserve a place. Include your child's name, date of birth and current school.
          Friday 11th October 2024
          Registration Deadline
          • To register please complete the registration form (link below). 
          Invitation to Sixth Form assessment
          • Emails are sent to registered parents with a link to a document to be completed by the deadline in the email. 
          Saturday 2nd November 2024
          Assessment date

          Written papers in: 

          • English
          • Mathematics
          NOVEMBER 2024
          Invitation to interview
          • Successful candidates are invited back for interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. They will also be interviewed by relevant subject teachers.
          13th and 20th November 2024
          Interview dates


          EARLY DECEMBER 2024
          Offers made
          • Conditional upon reaching our minimum requirements at GCSE (or equivalent for overseas candidates). 
          10th JANUARY 2025
          Deadline for acceptance
          • Offers must be formally accepted or declined.

          Other Entry Points

          Applications to Year 1 (5+), Year 5 (9+), and Year 10 (14+) will be accepted for an occasional place only; these are not formal entry points. Assessments will only be scheduled if and when places are available. Where no assessments occur, registration can be deferred to the following  year, within the phase of  school applied for only.

          Year 1 Occasional Place - September 2025 Entry

          If places are available in Year 1 the occasional place assessments will be scheduled during March 2025. The registration deadline to be considered for an occasional place should one be available for September 2025 entry is Monday 3rd February 2025.

          Year 5 (9+) Occasional Place - September 2025 Entry

          If places are available in Year 5 for September 2025, the occasional place assessments will be scheduled to take place after Spring half term. The registration deadline is Friday 24th January 2025, to be considered for an occasional place should one be available for September 2025 entry.

          Year 10 (14+) Occasional Place - September 2025 Entry

          If places are available in Year 10 for September 2025, the occasional place assessment will be scheduled to take place on Saturday 2nd November 2024. The registration deadline is Friday 11th October 2024, to be considered for a place should one be available for September 2025 entry.

          For further information please call the Admissions Office on 020 8762 6321 or email 

          Register your interest

          Download our
          registration form by
          clicking on the links below

          Pre-Prep to Yr 11 Registration Form - click here 

          Sixth Form Registration Form - click here