Educational trips and visits provide some of the most memorable and enjoyable experiences for our children and play an important part in supporting the curriculum.

On-site workshops are also a great way to engage children. Interactive presentations on The Great Fire of London, childhood and toys from the past by Wandsworth Toy Museum, and architecture in Viking times are amongst the favourite and tend to be repeated on an annual basis.
Each class in the Pre-Prep will go on at least one school trip per term, unless there are exceptional circumstances. All trips are linked to the relevant topics for each class and are designed to develop the children’s understanding and learning. Please find below examples of past trips:

Autumn Term
Class Trips
Reception - Theatre
PP1 (Year 1) - Wandsworth Museum
PP2 (Year 2) - Theatre
PP3 (Year 3) - Barnes High Street
Spring Term
Class Trips
Reception - Natural History Museum
PP1 (Year 1) - A local church
PP2 (Year 2) - Florence Nightingale Museum
PP3 (Year 3) - Hampton Court
Summer Term
Class Trips
Reception - London Aquarium / Windsor Castle
PP1 (Year 1) - Kew Gardens
PP2 (Year 2) - Roald Dahl Museum / Painshill Park
PP3 (Year 3) - Lincolnsfield Children's Centre
All of Pre-Prep - Farm trip