Each class in the Prep School is assigned two Class Prefects from the 15s (Year 11). Class Prefects are dedicated to working with pupils and performing functional/non-academic roles.
They assist Form Teachers and support general class activity and they may also act as mentors. Starting at the very beginning of the academic year, Prefects will be with their allocated class two mornings a week during registration and form time. This means that they get to know the children very well and become a great source of friendship and support.
Mentors are Senior School pupils selected and trained by Sixth Form students to provide one-to-one mentoring and coaching on a range of issues - friendships, fitting in and belonging, communication and social skills and behaviour, self confidence and self-esteem. A Prep pupil can be assigned a mentor by Form Teachers if they believe the child would benefit from extra support.
For more information about our
Mentoring Programme
Despite its predominantly academic purpose, our Reading Buddy scheme (see picture) also offers our Prep pupils additional support. Buddies, selected from our Senior Prefect team, meet once a week with a designated child from the Prep School to assist with their reading. It is also a great opportunity for pupils of different ages to meet and build friendships that often endure for many years.
To read some examples of our pastoral blogs, written by Andy Woodward, Deputy Head of the Senior School, please click here.