At Harrodian we believe that English has a central role to play in preparing children for the challenges they face in a changing and challenging world.
Specialist English teachers throughout the Prep School work hard to ensure that all pupils have the excellent speaking, reading and writing skills in the subject that allow them to understand texts clearly, express themselves well and communicate effectively.
Lower Prep (8s, 9s, 10s/Years 4,5,6)
We set out to instil and build confidence and an enjoyment of the subject in pupils as soon as they join the school. Pupils develop their ability to learn through discussion, elaborating and clearly explaining their understanding and ideas. They are taught to speak clearly, fluently and with confidence and to listen patiently and carefully so that they can communicate effectively in a range of situations, including formal presentations.
In the Lower Prep, the curriculum is structured around themes lasting 2-4 weeks in which pupils learn through situations which emphasise comprehension, creativity and communication. As they grow up through the School, we focus on honing the accuracy and clarity of pupils’ writing skills so that they are able to tailor their work effectively to a range of audiences and purposes.
Throughout the Prep School, boys and girls are given the opportunity to discuss their ideas and opinions, learning both collaboratively and independently. Risk taking is encouraged at every level, as we believe experimenting with and enjoying language, rather than worrying about mistakes, is the best way to learn.
Alongside grammatical and language skills, we strive to nurture a love of books and creative writing. Pupils are taught to develop healthy habits of reading widely for pleasure and for information. As well as classroom teaching, our broad and action-packed curriculum involves visitors and theatre groups, workshops, trips and extracurricular activities.
For detailed year-by-year information, please see the Harrodian Curriculum Handbooks.
- Clubs: Bug club, performance poetry, book club
- Events; Night in the library, Dads' reading
- Public Speaking competition
- World Book Day competition
- Theatre visits and workshops
Upper Prep (11s, 12s/Years 7, 8)
Our courses in the 11s and 12s build on the firm foundations established in the three previous years and are all designed to enrich pupils’ understanding and enjoyment of both English Language and Literature. We gradually integrate analytical skills as solid foundations on which to build for the very best performance in the examinations they face in the future.
Whether it is honing their writing and speaking skills in our annual Public Speaking competition or studying a range of engaging prose, poetry and drama texts, our work in the classroom is focused on helping our pupils become confident, independent learners with the attitudes, skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the years to come.
For detailed year-by-year information, please see the Harrodian curriculum handbooks.
Head of English: Lucy Thomas
Other teachers of English: please select the relevant department on the dropdown menu to view our full staff list by clicking here.