Our Blogs

Essentially Art: Reviewing The Turner Prize
Head of History of Art, Ms. Hannah Kroes, invites Lower Sixth Art students to select one exhibit from this year’s Turner Prize and present their case for why it deserved to win.
Author: chloe
Pastorally Speaking: Love Means Boundaries
Setting boundaries for teenagers can be challenging and frustrating for parents but, argues Head of Harrodian Senior School, Andy Woodward, it's well worth the effort
Pastorally Speaking: They are what they eat
Head of Senior School Andy Woodward reminds us why eating breakfast is so important, especially for our teenagers.
Pastorally Speaking: Sharing is Caring
Should teachers share difficult aspects of their own life experience with children? Head of Senior School, Andy Woodward believes such honesty has many potential benefits.
Headmaster's blog: Women have their Say
With the school's 30th Anniversary looming, Mr Hooke asked some of our senior female students and teachers to reflect on how good Harrodian is at educating girls.
Author: James Hooke
Pastorally Speaking: If Not Us, Then Who?
Mr Woodward's pastoral blog has a guest contributor this week, as Mr Guy Holder states the case for delaying the age at which we give smartphones to our children.
Author: Guy Holder
Sports Blog: Sticks and Skis
Half-term sports trips included gave our Senior hockey players experience of Spain's top training facilities and our Senior Prep a taste of Austria's sunny ski slopes.
Pre-Prep Blog: Hand in Glove
Fiona Walker's reflections on her first six months as Head of Pre-Prep range from the power of teamwork in teaching Maths and instilling resilience to...
Pastorally Speaking: Let's Talk about Sex (again)!
How can parents normalise talking about sex to their children? Andy Woodward suggests ways of starting a conversation and explains what Harrodian is...
Pastorally Speaking: Compassion: the Pillar of a Society that Cares
Compassion means taking a conscious decision to educate ourselves about others' experiences and feelings. And that is an important step we want to help our pupils to try and take, argues Andy Woodward.