The Arts at Harrodian
Prep Blog: Science and Nature
Clair Foster reports on Lower Prep news including the 10s first sherbet-flavoured taste of Lab Science and their Bushcraft trip to Oxfordshire and the 8s' and 9s' sunny summer visit to the Wetlands Centre
Prep Blog: Counting on Kindness
What Maths day showed, says Warren Rodricks, was that our school is full of children who choose to be kind. And kindness is a key ingredient of what makes a Harrodian, a Harrodian.
Prep Blog: Curiouser and Curiouser
In his latest blog on the Harrodian Prep's seven essential pillars, Warren Rodricks explores the transporting power of curiosity
Prep Pastoral Blog: Come Together
In his latest blog on key Prep ‘pillars’, Warren Rodricks explains why he believes Harrodian’s Express your Culture day (shown above) encapsulates why inclusivity is one of our school's essential values
Prep Blog: Resilience = Equipped to Survive
In the latest of his essential blogs about the six ‘prep pillars’, Warren Rodricks explains how rebuilding after a teenage sports setback helped him...
Prep Blog: I am Compassionate
In the second of a blog series examining the pillars on which Harrodian Prep is built, Warren Rodricks explains why compassion is such a precious quality in the modern world
Picturing our Pillars
Six new posters which were launched earlier this month sum up the key qualities which the school aims to nurture in its Prep pupils. Warren Rodricks explains how Harrodian is setting about building its pastoral ‘pillars’
Maths Mastery: Maths for All and All for Maths
Head of Lower Prep Mathematics, Warren Rodricks reflects on the triumph that was Harrodian’s Primary Maths Day
Essential Art Blog: Art for All Ages
Whether it’s trips to exhibitions and galleries, visits to the school by practising artists or diverse challenges and competitions, Art Department...
Maths Mastery Blog: All in the Numbers
In his first Maths Mastery blog of the year, Warren Rodricks explains why understanding and analysing numbers is crucial both to children's futures...