The Arts at Harrodian
Maths Mastery
Prep Blog: Counting on Kindness
What Maths day showed, says Warren Rodricks, was that our school is full of children who choose to be kind. And kindness is a key ingredient of what makes a Harrodian, a Harrodian.
Maths Mastery: History in Hard Numbers
What has Black History Month got to do with Mathematics? Warren Rodricks provides his challenging take in his brilliant new blog
Maths Mastery: Maths for All and All for Maths
Head of Lower Prep Mathematics, Warren Rodricks reflects on the triumph that was Harrodian’s Primary Maths Day
Maths Mastery Blog: All in the Numbers
In his first Maths Mastery blog of the year, Warren Rodricks explains why understanding and analysing numbers is crucial both to children's futures...
Maths Mastery Blog: Number Crunching
How do you use Maths to change perceptions of the world's most unfairly persecuted fish, the shark. Warren Rodricks explains how he won over the 10s.
Maths Mastery: The Power of Anchors
Anchor tasks are key to ensuring that pupils of all abilities are engaged and inspired by Maths lessons. Warren Rodricks, explains why they work so well
Maths Mastery: A Healthy Mix
In his first Maths Mastery Blog of the year, Warren Rodricks argues that the change to mixed ability Mathematics groups has had real benefits for all Lower Prep pupils
Maths Mastery: It's Good to Talk
World Book Day reminds Mr Rodricks that Mathematics is a universal language hat children need to learn to speak in daily life if they are to become fluent.
Maths Mastery Blog: How Can I Help?
How can you help your child with her homework without causing confusion or an argument. Warren Rodricks offers his four rules for frustration-free Maths home studies
Maths Mastery: Same-Same...but Different
The beauty of Maths Mastery, argues Mr Rodricks, is that it is flexible enough to strike a crucial balance between the broad requirements of the curriculum and the individual needs of each child.