
We develop our children’s sense of identity and understanding of the past through projects in which they explore their history and that of their families, their communities and the wider world. Pupils begin to acquire a knowledge and understanding of past events and people through a variety of approaches, with an emphasis on discussion, investigation and research.

History is part of each class’s topic work and is brought to life through regular visits to local sites of historic interest, drama and role play and the use of historic artefacts and photographs, as well as through relevant internet material, television programmes and stories.

Trips include visits to Strawberry Hill House in Twickenham, the Florence Nightingale Museum, the Lincolnsfields Children's Centre and Hampton Court, among others. Visiting speakers bring the past to life while workshops give children the opportunity to travel back in time to experience life as a candle maker in 1666 London before the Great Fire or to build a Viking longship. They might also be found delving into a trunk of Victorian seaside costumes, experiencing the claustrophobic atmosphere of a wartime Anderson shelter or investigating life as a Tudor monarch.

Pre-Prep is also involved in whole-school history events, such as Remembrance Day and the Queen’s Jubilee.  Our pupils also benefit from the wealth of historic knowledge and experience that parents and grandparents can bring