Citizenship is the name given to the coverage of PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and RE (Relationships Education) in our Pre-Prep lessons during Circle Time.
This is a designated time when pupils are encouraged to take part in discussion and to develop their skills of communication and participation whilst also showing empathy and respect to others. Some of the topics covered include friendships/relationships, choices, diversity, rules, rights and responsibilities, people who help us, changes, setting objectives and going for goals.
From PP1/Year 1 upwards, subjects covered in the PSHE scheme of work are structured into the six following categories: new beginnings, getting on and falling out, going for goals, how it is good to be 'me', relationships and changes. To access an overview of what is studied in PSHE or to find out more about specific year-group content and other resources, please access the downloads below.
PSHE, Citizenship and RE aim to help our children lead confident, healthy and independent lives and to be responsible and positive members of the community. Putting this into action involves organising a number of activities for the children that help boost their confidence and promote active citizenship. Examples of these activities can be found by visiting our Pastoral Care area of the website or by clicking here.
Pre-Prep PSHE Co-ordinator: Lucy Horan