Tours of the School:
The best way to experience Harrodian is to come on a tour where you can look around the School, appreciate the space and surroundings, discover the opportunities on offer, and meet our staff and pupils.
We welcome visitors to the school for small group tours that we host during the school day. Tours are available for the Pre-Prep, Prep and Senior schools and can be booked by clicking the link below. We do not run routine tours for our Sixth Form but are hosting a special open evening on Tuesday 1st October. If you would like to find out more about this then please email or call the Admissions team.
To book a tour
We also encourage you to take a 360 degree virtual tour of Harrodian by clicking here. To give you a flavour of Harrodian School life, we also invite you to watch some of our videos and recorded virtual/live open-morning presentations available on our Tour Pack page. Please access this page by clicking here.
Visiting us in person
Our approach to school visits has always been flexible and accommodating. We are one of the few schools able to offer a number of tours each week between September and May and we pride ourselves on the intimate and inclusive nature of the experience. (Please note: we do not run tours once the public examinations have started in May.) Each tour is normally taken in small groups by Senior members of staff and Mr Hooke, the Headmaster, meets each group at the end to answer any questions. Tours take approximately one hour (plus 15 minutes for questions) and are tailored to the desired School of entry.
N.B. Visits to the Pre-Prep are intended for parents only. It is not possible to accommodate toddlers. Children over the age of 8 may accompany their parents on tours of the Prep and Senior Schools. Please let the Admissions Office know that your child will be coming with you when you book a tour.
Contact Us
For any other queries please email or call Julie, Amanda or Tina in the Admissions Office on 0208 762 6321.