Prefects and Mentoring

Each class in the Pre-Prep is assigned two Class Prefects from the 15s (Year 11). Class Prefects are dedicated to working with younger pupils and performing functional/non-academic roles. They assist Form Teachers and support general class activity and they also act as mentors for the younger children. Over the course of an academic year, they spend a few hours over two mornings a week in the classroom with their allocated class. They often get to know the children in their class very well and are a great source of friendship and support for those who need it.


Mentors are Senior School pupils who are selected and trained by Sixth Form students to provide one-to-one mentoring and coaching on a range of issues such as: friendships, fitting in/belonging, communication/social skills and behaviour, self confidence and self-esteem. A Pre-Prep pupil can be assigned a mentor by his/her Form Teacher, if he/she believes that the child would benefit from extra support.


Despite its predominantly academic purpose, our Reading Buddy scheme also enables our PP3 (Year 3 pupils) to act as mentors. Buddies meet regularly with an allocated child to help them with their reading and to read to them. They also have the opportunity to chat and talk about things together, building a friendship that often lasts when our PP3 pupils leave to join the Prep School.