
To read more about our vision, spirit and aims for the School, please click here 

School policies and insurance schemes are available to read in pdf format below:

Key Policies

Remote Education Provision

Examination Policies

Insurance Schemes

Additional policies are available from the School Admin team, including:

  • Accessibility
  • Assessment, Marking and Reporting
  • Alcohol
  • Bursary Fund
  • Careers 
  • CCTV
  • Continuing Professional Development
  • Data Retention
  • Driving (pupils)
  • Educational Visits
  • Emergencies
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Fire Drill
  • Gifts Received and Given
  • Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures
  • Homework (incl. in curriculum)
  • Home-working
  • Intimate Care
  • Laboratory Safety
  • Liaison with Parents and 'Friends of Harrodian'
  • Looked After Children
  • Medical (and Anaphylaxis appendix 1, Responding to Asthma appendix 2, Management of Diabetes appendix 3, Management of Diabetes appendix 4, Responding to Head Injuries appendix 5)
  • Physical Intervention
  • Plagiarism
  • Provision of Information for Separated/Divorced Parents
  • Risk Assessment
  • Safeguarding Procedures for Housekeeping, Kitchen and Maintenance
  • Staff Code of Conduct
  • Theft in School
  • Whistle- Blowing and Low Level Concern