Senior School Essentials

Pupil numbers: The Senior School consists of 261 students divided almost equally into boys and girls.  The majority of pupils graduate into the Senior from the Harrodian Prep School with around 15 new pupils per year welcomed from outside the school on successful completion of the Common Entrance examinations and a few allocated occasional places as non-Common Entrance candidates.

Make-up and structure: The Senior School is currently made up of 13 form groups with an even balance of boys and girls. There are four forms in the 13s, now increasing to five forms in the 14s in order to offer increased pastoral support in smaller forms as GCSEs begin. Most classes have a maximum of 24 pupils, each with their own dedicated Form Teacher. One 15s form, containing all prefects, is larger, but its form times are held separately and on different days for Pre-Prep prefects and Prep prefects.  Forms tend to replace Houses as the main focus for intra-school competition, with the exception of key occasions such as Sports Day or the Swimming Gala.

Location: The Harrodian Senior School is housed in its own dedicated area on the lower floors of the Senior building.  

Harrodian senior entrance hall

Daily timetable: The school day starts at 8.30am and consists of six periods with the final class of the day finishing at 4.00 pm.

Academic options: 13s pupils (Year 9) study 11 core subjects and our 14s and 15s (Year 10 and 11) 7 core subjects for GCSE. Option blocks also enable pupils to choose from over 13 other subjects on offer. For further information about the curriculum in the Senior School, please click here

Academic expectations: Students are expected to take ten GCSES or more, of which English Literature, English Language, Mathematics, at least one modern foreign language, and Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) are all compulsory.

Sport: All Senior pupils have one PE lesson and a double Sport lesson a week. These are timetabled and compulsory. There are also a number of sports clubs organised in lunch times or before school, offering additional training and development opportunities.  

Dress code: There is no fixed uniform at Harrodian but a set of guidelines that allows pupils a degree of flexibility and the ability to express their own individuality within appropriate parameters. It is important that pupils adhere to our Senior Dress Code which can be found in the Parent Handbook (available to download from the Parent Portal Edulink).  All items of clothing must be clearly labelled.

Food and dining: Lunch is provided from 1pm in the dining room. Each Senior year group is allocated a time from which they are able to queue to enter the room.

Homework requirement: Pupils are set two to three subject assignments per night each of 40 - 45 minutes.

Library shot

Responsibility: Behavioural expectations and sanctions are outlined on walls and in pupil planners. However, the key requirement is that Senior pupils are respectful, considerate, helpful and aware of their responsibilities as influential older members of a community including much younger pupils on site. Senior leaders believe that the best behavioural management technique is to recognise, celebrate and reward good behaviour and the many positive contributions made to the life of the school by our pupils. Every pupil in the Senior School is capable of succeeding and flourishing with hard work and purposeful effort.