Pastoral Team

There is a consistent structure to the pastoral care teams across the Prep and Senior Schools.

Form Teachers are the first point of call for any pastoral concerns with Heads of Year offering additional support.  Together they are pivotal in providing all-round care for their Prep pupils and acting as a liaison between children, parents, school counsellors, prefects/mentors, staff and the Heads of the Prep School.

Form Teachers dedicate much of their form time to the personal wellbeing and development of our pupils and, where necessary, will organise for a particular child to see the school counsellor (with parental consent), arrange a buddy for a new child, or find a mentor from the Senior School to help a child through a particularly difficult time.

Our School Counsellor, Adele Monsef, can be contacted directly by pupils in the 11s (Year 7) upwards at / All pupils younger than this will need to be referred to her by a Form Teacher and parent.