
Science is taught as a subject in its own right in the Pre-Prep from PP1 onwards.

We aim to develop the children’s natural sense of curiosity and to provide opportunities for them to experience the world with all their senses.

As they progress through the Pre-Prep, pupils are encouraged to think scientifically as they plan and carry out scientific experiments, through observing, questioning, communicating and evaluating evidence. Science teaching includes a full range of practical investigations and tasks, class-based research, experiments and demonstrations as well as the use of the local environment such as the French garden, pond area and allotment within the school and nearby nature reserves such as the Leg O’Mutton reservoir (opposite the School) and Kew Gardens. 

Collaboration with teaching staff and pupils from the Prep and Senior Schools/Sixth Form means that pupils also benefit from a wealth of expertise and resources.  For example, Pre-Prep pupils are invited by our Prep pupils to the annual Science Fair where they demonstrate their scientific projects and experiments to the younger children.

Cross-curricular links between Science and other subjects such as Literacy or Numeracy (Mathematics) are encouraged whenever possible. Science Day is very popular and involves a variety of workshops and shows that are delivered by external companies. Trips to the Natural History Museum, visits from scientists and naturalists and annual events such as Science Day also help to bring the subject to life.