Community and Charity

We encourage our Prep pupils to think about others and to be responsible members of our local community and society at large.

There is ample opportunity for pupils to get involved and show their support for a number of causes. These include: donating unperishable foods at Harvest Festival; participating in initiatives such as Mary’s Meals Backpack Project, the Shoebox Appeal, and St Mungo’s Woolly Hat Day; donating old toys, books, clothing and other belongings for charities like Samara’s Refugee Appeal and Book Aid; organising collections and cake sales; and taking part in sponsored activities. Our choirs and instrumental groups are also regularly invited to perform at community fundraising events outside School.

Prep pupils wore white mufti and staged a cake sale to raise funds for Ukrainian refugees

As the Prep, we are able to make a difference on a small scale and when we work alongside other Harrodian age group Schools, our combined fundraising efforts are even more effective. That is why our pupils are always very keen to participate in annual, whole-school charity events. Examples include:

