Prep Italian

Pupils in the 11s and 12s can choose to study Italian as one of their two languages.

These beginners’ lessons take place twice a week over two years and are an introductory course to the language.  Pupils are taught the basics of the language (common vocabulary, phonics, key grammar rules and tenses) in order to be able to communicate independently.  They also develop some knowledge about the countries where the language is spoken, as they are exposed to authentic material and taught by teachers or assistants who are native speakers. 

Whenever possible, pupils also have the opportunity to watch films and plays in the target language.

For full details of year by year Italian studies in the Prep, please download the Harrodian Curriculum Handbooks.


Head of Modern Languages: Sandrine Montet 

Deputy Head of Modern Languages: Beatrice Albert

Head of Italian: Gabriella Collard

For teachers of Italian and Language Assistants: please select the relevant department on the dropdown menu to view our full staff list by clicking here.