Pre-Prep Essentials

Pupil Numbers: The Pre-Prep consists of approximately 170 pupils with numbers generally equal between boys and girls. Each September, forty new children are welcomed into our Reception classes. Usually twenty boys and twenty girls are divided equally among the two classes. Occasionally, places become available in our PP1, 2 or 3 (Years 1-3) classes and these are offered by means of competitive, occasional place interviews in February.

Make-up and structure: The Pre-Prep is two form entry. Reception and PP1 (Year 1) have a dedicated class teacher and a full time teaching assistant. PP2 (Year 2) and PP3 (Year 3) have a dedicated class teacher and a part-time teaching assistant. The majority of lessons are delivered by the class teacher and take place in the children’s form rooms.

Location :The Pre-Prep has its own dedicated site set around a central courtyard. It is separate from the main School but children and staff have access to all its facilities.



Daily Timetable : The school day starts at 8.30 and finishes at 3.15 for Reception and 3.25 for PP1, 2 and 3.

Dress Code: Pre-Prep dress code consists of grey skirt or trousers, white or blue shirt, navy jumper or cardigan. Full details are found in the Parent Handbook available to download from our Parent Portal Edulink. These can be bought from any High Street retailer. Pre-Prep children only wear uniform two days a week, as on the days they have sport they come to school in sports kit.

Lunchtime: All children in the Pre-Prep are served hot lunches. Children are supervised at lunch and throughout break by their teachers and teaching assistants.

Homework: Each year group has different homework requirements appropriate to their learning development and age.

Behaviour: Pre-Prep children are expected to understand and follow the four special Pre-Prep Golden Rules: Work Hard, Tell the Truth, Be Kind and Gentle, and Listen.

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