Buds and Blossoms

Posted on: 07/05/2020

For all those parents and pupils who enjoy cultivating the Harrodian allotment - and for those who may just be unaware of its existence - we bring you news and pictures from the school's secret garden.

Whilst everything else around us may have come to a standstill, the plants, fruits and vegetables continue to grow and flourish. Spring is most definitely here.  

Debbie has been checking in on the allotment in her spare time to make sure everything is going to plan.

Below is a picture of some sugar snap peas that are growing well. Our Pre-Prep children planted them in their Monday lunchtime club.


A fruit cage, purchased a while ago, has now been installed to save the currants and blueberries from being eaten by birds.


The allotment's resident robin is seen here perched on our sprinkler with a bee passing by!


Here is a harvest of lovely radishes sowed by Prep children in their allotment club on Wednesday lunch times and some of their potato plants too.



Historic sales from allotment produce have also helped fund a new box for solitary bees. This is a refuge for bees and somewhere they can safely lay their eggs, which in turn change into larvae and then cocoons which hatch into new bees. The box even comes with a viewing hatch to watch the process, ready for you all to have a look at when school re-opens.  
