Going for Bronze

Posted on: 05/07/2022

PXL_20220702_164744866.MP.jpgBronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh candidates completed their expeditions last week. Mr Holder reports and we share some snaps of the Bronze campsite.

Very well done to those 13s and 14s who completed their Bronze and Silver DofE expeditions last weekend. The  pictures of the 13s camping out in the Surrey hills shown here and in the gallery illustrate the great spirit with which they approached their task. Good luck to Lower 6th Gold candidates who are canoeing in Wales from this coming Saturday.


All participants should be aiming to complete all the relevant paperwork on their DofE accounts as soon as possible. Mr Davies and I have run our weekly drop-in session every Monday lunchtime this academic year but we are taking a break from admin over the summer and would appreciate it if pupils (and parents) could wait until the start of the Autumn Term (when the drop-in sessions start again) to approach us with any administration questions they might have.



In the meantime, we would like to wish all of our DofE-ers a great summer!