A Good Hair Day

Posted on: 15/06/2023

Crazy Hair

crazy hair

A charity Crazy Hair style contest served as the ice breaker for Transition Day, the annual activities day which eases our PP3s into the idea of joining Harrodian Prep in September.

Moving up from Harrodian Pre-Prep into our Prep age group can seem a big step up to some young Harrodians. After all, as well as offering new freedom such as the opportunity to roam our lovely open spaces and playgrounds, joining the 8s (Year 4), in September, brings new challenges with it such as managing planners and timetables and learning from a range of subject specialists as well as their familiar class teacher.

Mr Almond and Pupils

Harrodian’s annual Transition Day, which took place on 9th June, aims to ease nerves among our PP3s and make the process altogether less daunting  than it sounds. The day started with a Q&A assembly with Mr James Almond, Head of 8s (Year 4), which gave the children the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the transition process. After that, they went on to meet their 8s form tutors, who gave them small introductory lessons to get them acquainted with the subjects they will be studying in the 8s.

Crazy hair

Boys crazy hair

During the Prep break time, the children had the chance to interact with the current 8s (Year 4), which  was a great way for them to make new friends and get a feel for what life in the Prep school will be like. There was no shortage of chatter thanks to the icebreaker provided by comparing the crazy hair styles many were sporting – an idea dreamt up by 8REG pupil, Joshua, which also raised funds for the children's mental health charity, Young Minds.  



After that, they joined team-building activities with the current 8s on the playing fields, which were a lot of fun and helped them bond with their future classmates. Activities included relay races, spider tag, throw and catch and an obstacle course.

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‘Transition day was a terrific experience filled with interactive lessons, engaging activities, and interactions between Pre-Prep pupils and current 8s (Year 4) and teachers,’ says James Almond. ‘It was a great chance for children to meet new friends and get a taste of the new freedoms that await them in Year 4 and just to have fun.  I'm confident that the transition process will be smooth and enjoyable for everyone involved.’

Transition day was a great chance for children to meet new friends and get a taste of the new freedoms that await them in  the 8s (Year 4). I'm confident that the transition process will be smooth and enjoyable for everyone involved. 

Head of 8s (Year 4) James Almond

hair girls

hair girls