Making the Cut

Posted on: 12/01/2024

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Three Harrodian pupils who took Film Studies GCSE last summer were shortlisted for the Moving Image Awards over the holidays

An early Christmas present was delivered to some of last year’s GCSE Film Studies cohort over the holiday season. Current Harrodians Rosalie and Anais, as well as former pupil Sienna, received the exciting news that they had been shortlisted for the annual Moving Image Awards. This competition is run by Eduqas and the BFI for Film Studies students. 

Only eight students in the entire UK were shortlisted (for the annual Moving Image Awards) so it is a fantastic achievement for the girls and a testament to their efforts in planning, shooting and editing their work

Head of Film Studies Mr Grey-Parkinson

Mr Grey-Parkinson, Head of Film Studies, is extremely pleased with the results. “Only eight students in the entire UK were shortlisted so it is a fantastic achievement for the girls and a testament to their efforts in planning, shooting and editing their work,” he states. “The film industry is increasingly acknowledging and celebrating the contributions of female directors and I am extremely proud to have taught and encouraged three such talents.”

As part of their NEA (non-examinable assessment), Film Studies students had to create a two and a half minute sequence from an original film that either serves as the opening scene or the introduction to a character.

“I had so much fun taking Film Studies,” says Anais. “I love the technical elements of film production and really appreciated being able to develop my skills so I could bring my vision to life. I can’t believe that it was shortlisted but I’m ecstatic about it!”

I love the technical elements of film production and really appreciated being able to develop my skills so I could bring my vision to life.

Anais (L6th) and Film Studies GCSE pupil 

“Film Studies was my favourite subject last year; working on my NEA was one of the most enjoyable parts of GCSE, bringing together skills and knowledge from our lessons and combining these with my own creative ideas,” adds Rosalie. “I wish I could have taken A level Film Studies but it unfortunately wasn’t running yet. I’m so jealous of next year’s class who will be the first ones to get that opportunity.”

To watch Rosalie, Anais and Sienna's shortlisted film sequences, please follow the links below: 

My Sister’s Secret (Rosalie) -

Her (Anais) - 

Ward 7 (Sienna) -