More Acts of Kindness and Solidarity

Posted on: 03/06/2020

Image.jpegMore than two months into the pandemic, acts (and art) of kindness and solidarity continue to flow in from all corners of our Harrodian community.  

Three more families with Harrodian connections have volunteered to help get our medical staff and other essential workers  the PPE equipment that has often been in short supply. Om, below. a pupil in  the 15s, has been turning out protective face masks for distribution to surgeries and care homes at the extraordinary rate of ’60-70 per week’ on a 3D printer in his home.


Masks are also the focus of Harrodian’s new Head Girl Sonya, top. Since March, she has been deeply involved with the charity 3D Crowd UK which makes and distributes masks for frontline workers, setting up a delivery hub in her basement where hundreds of shipments come in weekly from local printers like Om: ‘I wash, sanitise, assemble, package and deliver these visors to hospitals nearby,’ Sonya says. ‘We are on our final stretch, with local deliveries basically all fulfilled, and now pushing forward to combine stock and complete bulk hospital orders. But 3D Crowd is still looking for volunteers, for people with printers and for donations, of course.’


Also on the PPE front, Harrodian alumna and seamstress, Amber Hall, above, has been hard at work alongside her mother at the sewing machine making protective garments for a Royal Brompton Hospital appeal


Like several other Harrodians, Freddie from the 11s, above, has also been inspired to run for charity during the pandemic. Over seven days he completed the distance of a marathon on behalf of the youth charity, Regenerate. 

2%20(1).jpg Meanwhile, when Harrodian’s A Level art students were challenged to create inspirational images of lockdown heroes, the results marked a striking departure from the usual rainbows, as you can see here.

