No Idling Now

Posted on: 14/11/2019

With 34 pupil members across all age groups, our Harrodian Eco Club is growing from strength to strength. Split into three groups, one for the Pre-Prep, Prep and Seniors, each club meets weekly/fortnightly with a supervisory member(s) of staff and our four Upper Sixth Environmental Prefects.

Their first initiative - a no idling awareness campaign -  was put into practice this week. Wearing high vis vests, pupils worked in pairs around the car park and drop off areas outside the main school building. They handed out flyers to those driving into the school that warned of the dangers of air pollution and asked them to turn off their engines while waiting (leaflet below).


Prep pupils designed 'no idling' signs and posters that were displayed in the windows of the form rooms at the front of the building.


This is just one of our Eco Club's plans to help Harrodian become an Eco School by achieving a Green Flag Award. To read more about this scheme then please click here.


As part of the 'Green Flag' process, the Eco Club has already conducted an environmental review in ten different areas of school life - biodiversity, energy, global citizenship, healthy living, litter, marine, school grounds, transport, water and waste.

They will then choose three of these areas of environmental significance to focus on and will build an action plan for Harrodian to work to over the course of the year.

Minutes from each of the Eco Club meetings and details of their environmental review is displayed on Eco boards around the School. For Pre-Prep the board is located in the Resources Room, for Prep in the Main Hall (below) and in the English corridor for the Senior School.  


Once our Eco-club members have drawn up an action plan, these will also be displayed on the same boards. 

We wish our Eco Club, and their leaders – Ms Sanders, Mr Rudd and Mrs Naudi – all the best of luck in aiming for the Green Flag Award and thank our many teams (Housekeeping, Maintenance, Grounds, Security, Administration) who support them in their efforts.