Raising the Roof

Posted on: 11/12/2019

With the help of an enthusiastic and packed church, eight Harrodian choirs filled St Paul’s Hammersmith with festive harmonies at Harrodian's annual Carol Concert on the last Monday of term.

IMG_2906.jpgAs always with Harrodian musical events, the music ranged across hymns and songs from the ancient (such as the staff choir’s traditional carol 'Lulla Lully Lullay') to the modern (the 10s Choir’s 'A Spaceman Came Travelling').  And the mood was equally varied, encompassing the gentle ('Baby in the Hay' by the Pre-Prep choir) through the intense (‘Believe’ from the Training Choir and 'Bethlehem' by the Chamber Choir) to the jolly and joyous ('Together at Christmas Time' by the 8s and 9s Choir).


The music was punctuated by Christmas readings by pupils from every school age group and the congregation responded to Mr Hooke's plea to 'raise the roof' of St Paul's with their rousing renditions of classic carols, concluding with the Headmaster’s favourite, 'Hark, the Herald Angels Sing'.


IMG_2979.jpgFor many, the afternoon’s highlight came in the sound of the soaring soprano voices of Miss Dillon and Miss Sampson. Having contributed a beautiful solo to 'Lulla, Lully, Lullay,' Miss Sampson then joined Miss Dillon to deliver a lovely rendition of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘Pie Jesu’ which left the congregation spellbound and moved.



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