What's On: HSPA creates Harrodian Doggie Diary

Posted on: 04/02/2021


Following the success of the Lockdown Cookery Book, shortly to go to ‘press’, the HSPA would like to create a new publication for 2021.

With many families having welcomed puppies into their homes recently and the addition of puppy Hattie, below, the school's first ever sponsored guide dog (read here for more information), an Harrodian Doggie Diary seemed like the perfect follow-up. 


Do you have a dog or two?

Did your family get a puppy last year or this year?

If so, we would love to hear from you!

We would like a photo or illustration (or both) of your pooches plus a bio, to include any details you like, some suggestions are:

  • The breed, age, personality of your dog or puppy.
  • Do they have favourite toys? Places? Walks? Food? 
  • Do they get on with any other pets?
  • What are their likes/dislikes?
  • Are they obedient or generally naughty?

We are hoping that this might be a fun project for Harrodian children to get involved with at home over the half-term holidays.

Please email all pics / photos / copy to rsnaith@harrodian.com

The book will be on sale, as a fundraiser, at the end of this term.