Last week saw the directorial debut of L6 student Mia, who produced and directed Mary O'Malley's comedy Once A Catholic. The play follows the lives of three girls at a Catholic convent school in the 1950s. The three Marys were played by Cana and Margot from the 14s and Rachel from the L6.
The girls get into all sort of trouble throughout the performance, including being led astray by their boyfriends Cuthbert (Zac, L6) and Derek (William, L6). Luckily, they have spiritual guidance in the form of the incompetent Father Mullarkey (Luca L6) and the brutish nuns Mother Basil and Mother Peter, played by Chloe and Tamsin respectively (both L6).
Mia took on the role of director for the whole rehearsal period, from casting up until the performance. She worked closely with the Drama department for support and design ideas throughout and found the entire experience extremely rewarding.
The performance ran for two sold-out nights in the auditorium and entertained students from the 13s up. This marks the return of student-led productions at Harrodian - watch this space next year!