Pre-Prep Blog: Counting our Blessings

maths day pp2

Miss Horan is delighted by Pre-Prep Mathematics Day and grateful to her staff and pupils for their efforts in making the event just as much fun this year as always. 



All the children in Pre-Prep were invited to dress up for the day in clothes that featured numbers or patterns. There were quiet a few football shirts on display but also some home-made items of clothing that had numbers or patterns cut out and stuck on, including socks and tights too! Mrs Sassa (Pre-Prep Maths Co-ordiantor) also organised a special competition for all the children. They were asked to create a poster that represented a number of their choice - they could draw pictures, create collages, take a photo of toys or other objects, or write the number in different languages (some examples below):



Each of the different classes then organised their own mathematics-related activities. 

In Reception some of the children built a Numicon city. They had to problem solve to build the city using the Numicon pieces 1-10. They have also been learning about 10-frames and subitising numbers on the dice. They had to roll the die and then put that many gems/jewels onto the 10-frame.


PP1 designed and created 2D shape robots and practised their measuring skills. They used cubes to measure their fairy wands and played a variety of games including dominoes.



PP2 had fun taking part in lots of maths challenges, one of which was called 'Race to 30'. Working in pairs, the children took turns to roll a die and add it to their previous number on a tally chart. It helped them recognise the dice patterns, rehearse the counting-on strategy, remember their number bonds and develop their mental maths skills.  


PP3 children had a go at solving some maths problems and puzzles, linking to multiplication and division but also shapes. PP3KHO created their own rangoli patterns while children in PP3RNA made their own times tables fortune tellers. Both classes also experimented with interesting patterns and symmetry.



The winners of the poster competition will be announced in the Pre-Prep online assembly next week.

Thanks must go to our pupils, parents and staff for entering into the spirit of the day.