Pre-Prep Blog: Toys from the Past

Old spinning top

I wonder how many of us have much loved treasures hiding in the attic that could tell many tales about long ago? This week PP1 enjoyed a visit from Wandsworth Museum, to complement their topic on toys from the past, and they thoroughly  enjoyed exploring  a range of old toys and games. In spite of the very digital world in which our children live, it was lovely to see how engaged they became with spinning tops, above, and Jacob's Ladders . Flip books in particular caused great amusement and are very simple to make...... a lovely project for a rainy day and one I know the children would enjoy. If you are unsure how to make a flipbook, try this link


Some of the children have also enjoyed sharing toys belonging to their parents and grandparents. The old Sooty in the picture has straw stuffing in his head and has been in the Horan family for many years! One of our PP1 children, featured above, also brought in her own Sooty from home, proving Sooty's appeal across the generations.