Prep Blog: New Year, New You

11s boys with Amy Forbes-Robertson

It may not be everyone’s favourite month but January has a vital part to play in the natural rhythm of the school year and the mindset of pupils.  After all the action and excitement involved in the build up to Christmas, the start of the Prep Spring Term is altogether quieter: a perfect moment for calm reflection and plan making.

The thinking time January provides has a vital part to play in the natural rhythm of the school year and the mindset of pupils.


We are keen to help pupils make the most of this precious thinking time – especially since this year January marks the start not just of a new year but a new decade too.  That’s why my first Spring Term assembly of a new year encouraged  pupils both to look back and forward. What had been their most memorable experience of the Autumn Term? What had pleased them about their own performance and what were the things they still had to work on or wished to change? What new opportunities did they wish to grasp in the New Year and perfect over the new decade? Mastering a new language, musical instrument or sporting specialism, maybe?  

The programme of visiting speakers this month reflected our New Year theme of preparing for new challenges.


The programme of visiting speakers reflected our New Year theme of preparing for new challenges. In the second week of January, Kate Edgecumbe-Rendle visited the school to talk to girls in the 11s about empowerment. Later in the month, Amy Forbes-Robertson of specialist relationship and sex education consultants It Happens, came in to discuss puberty in separate group sessions with 9s and 11s boys and girls, and in an evening talk with parents, all of which went very well. We’re so lucky to be able to draw on Kate and Amy’s expertise. Their sensitivity, humour and wisdom always quickly defuses any inhibitions or hang-ups that may still linger around the growing up process, encouraging pupils to embrace change with all the enthusiasm and energy that have become Harrodian trademarks.  

Meanwhile, Prep pupils were invited to embrace of a less permanent nature by taking part in our annual house mufti competition on the last day of January. As usual, they rose brilliantly to the challenge and the Prep courtyards were filled throughout the day by thronging hordes of space-men and women, seafarers, safari and Star Wars fans and Spice Girls.



To visit our special house mufti gallery, please follow this link

