
Prep Blog: Spring into Summer
Jenny O'Neill reports on exciting Prep Easter trips and Harrodian visitors and flags up the fun and the hard work the Summer Term will bring The...
Dressing to impress
Goal setting and independent learning are top of Jenny O'Neill's Spring Term pastoral agenda... along with plenty of dressing up and having fun on the way
Odd Socks and Backpacks
Odd socks were obligatory throughout the Prep on one November Thursday. In her latest blog, Mrs O'Neill explains why
Prep Blog: Going for Gold
Paralympian Gold Medal winning skier Captain Jenny Kehoe was the inspirational guest at the 11s special assemby on planning and preparation, reports Jenny O'Neill
Let's get organised!
In her first blog of the term, Jenny O'Neill explains why the first step to building the Growth Mindset that is so characteristic of Harrodian pupils is to get yourself organised.
Junior Library Blog: Summer Reading Challenge (4-11 year olds)
As the school library is closed for the summer holidays why don't you head down to your local library to take part in the Summer Reading Challenge.
Prep Blog:Transition Time
The summer term is when the Prep team gently starts preparing new pupils for their arrival in September
Prep Blog: The power of contributing
Jenny O'Neill reflects on Contribution, the Prep School's theme for the Spring term...
Prep Blog: Welcome
The leadership team launches its new blog with an introduction to the new website...