Pastorally Speaking

Teenage Rebellion
It often comes as a sudden shock to parents but teenage rebellion is a healthy part of growing up. Andy Woodward examines the causes and provides some management advice
Pastorally Speaking: A Question of Respect
What can we do to ensure that the sort of harmful sexual behaviour recently called out on the Everyone's Invited website is eradicated from schools? Andy Woodward explains the steps Harrodian is taking to tackle the issue
Pastorally Speaking: Welcome to our World
In a world that's dangerously broken and insular, Harrodian's brand of tolerant and open-minded internationalism provides a beacon of optimism, argues Andy Woodward
Pastorally Speaking: Facing the Risk
The Earth in 2020 may seem a rather risky place to live, admits Andy Woodward, but the best way forward is to face down our fears and to keep on going
Pastorally Speaking: Learning from Lockdown
Amid the sadness and turmoil of the Covid19 crisis, Deputy Head of the Senior School Andy Woodward finds some reasons to be cheerful
Pastorally Speaking: Do you have Integrity?
In this ‘Bonus Extra’ blog, Andy Woodward confesses his love of 'holding forth' in assembly and shares the big question he asked Senior pupils to ask themselves in half-term assembly late last year
Pastorally Speaking: Questions of Substance
Telling teenagers to ‘Just say No’ to drugs won't work. Grown-up and caring discussion of hard facts about illegal substances and the brutal trade in them is much more likely to deter, argues Andy Woodward
Pastorally Speaking: Boys will be Boys?
Why does the classroom performance of UK boys seem to be in decline and what can we do about it? Andy Woodward has some suggestions to make.
Optimism at the end of the world
We can't protect children from the apocalyptic-sounding problems the world faces, says Andy Woodward. The best way forward is to prime them to confront the challenges head on.
Pastorally Speaking: How's your Head?
Why do we still find it hard to own up to even minor struggles with mental health? Andy Woodward argues that schools urgently need to normalise the subject and promote emotional literacy